Strong Foundation

I was walking down the street in 5 inch wedges when a lady around 6’ tall stopped me and told me that “she loved my confidence and could never be brave enough to wear heels.” I thanked her for the compliment and told her that she was "beautiful and could rock anything from flats to heels."  She looked at me like nobody had ever given her a compliment.  She said thank you VERY much, gave me a hug and walked away.  I didn’t even get her name.

I have had interactions like this with tall women before but the look she gave me really stuck with me. I teared up many times throughout the day thinking about it.  Had she never heard a compliment before? Was she teased as a kid and never recovered? What happened to her for her to feel like she couldn’t wear heels?

I love my height now however I thought back to my adolescence and how hard it was for me.  I was teased left and right. Felt awkward and ugly.  Never felt like I fit in. I Cursed my height many times but my mother NEVER let those feeling become permanent.  She knew it was hard for me because it was hard for her growing up tall and no matter how long it took, always brought me back to a place where I knew I was special. 

In addition to my Mom, there were many people and programs that God placed in my path to reiterate that our differences are what make us beautiful.  I am thankful for each and every one of them and pray that every person that struggles with self-confidence will have an amazing influence placed in their path.

The following are 5 examples (in no particular order) of AMAZING programs to help our youth become strong and confident.  Thankfully, there are many brilliant programs.  You have a suggestion? Please share:)

Girls Inc. – Girls Inc. was created in 1864 and “inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through a network of local organizations in the United States and Canada.” Through a series of programs developed through research, thousands of girls are strengthened and educated.  Over 1,000 affiliates world wide provide classes from self-defense to finance to athletics, all aimed to promote self growth and awareness. Follow: @Girls_inc Friend: Visit: Watch:

Women’s Sports Foundation – Founded by Billie Jean King in 1974, the Women’s Sports Foundation’s mission is to ‘advance the lives of girls and women through sports and physical activity.’ They give endless grants for many things including; education and sport participation.  They fight for gender equality in all sports.  Endless women and girls have been empowered by the countless endeavors of the Women’s Sports Foundation. Follow: @WomensSportsFdn Friend: Visit:

Girls of Height Inc. – Girls of Height Inc. is a mentoring program for tall girls ages 9-17 years old. The program provides “motivation, inspiration and the know how to help our young ladies to move forward in the right direction.” In addition to the mentor program, Girls of Height Inc. has amazing books. According to founder Rae Ashe,“each book gives great everyday advice & tools for adults on how to address their daughter, niece or sister when approached with a sensitive situation such as bullying or other children making them feel bad about their height. Each are also filled with some of my very own personal experiences growing up as a tall girl.” The Girls of Height Inc. is an amazing program that is on the rise and already changing lives. Follow: @GirlsofHeight Friend: Visit:

The Hall Pass Tour – The Hall Pass Tour presented by College for Every Student “uses music to advance education” and provides “a creative space for communities to support their youth.” Hosted by Holley Monelle, The Hall Pass Tour is a series of after school concerts featuring artists SienZe, j.RENEÉ and DJ Kraff Swagger.  Students are selected to participate in the concerts showcasing their own talents.  Through music and performance, The Hall Pass Tour uses music as a platform to uplift countless kids and provide a path to continued education. Follow: @HallPassTour Friend: Visit: Watch:

T-Zone Foundation– The T-Zone Foundation is a “fierce cause for girls.” Founded by Tyra Banks in 1999, the foundation “empowers girls and young women to live their dreams, discover new possibilities within themselves and take on life's challenges with fierce determination and drive.” Since its inception, T-Zone has “provided resources to a network of community nonprofits recognized for their impact on girls and young women; they share TZONE's mission to empower girls to take control of their lives and pursue their dreams. Whether through community activism, dance, film making, leadership, sports, writing, or as young entrepreneurs – many girls are creating their best futures.” Endless girls have been uplifted and strengthened due to the countless efforts of T-Zone. Visit:

Orange Crush

This spring and summer is going to be filled with color.  There are endless shades to choose from but one that will be everywhere is orange.  It was all over the runways and will be all over the country in every form of fashion.  From eye shadow to blazers, orange will be everywhere. 

Don't miss your chance to crush on orange. Find the perfect pick below.

FRESH SQUEEZE. From left to right (top to bottom) - LEFT: Tall Floral Ruffle Tank (, $45) and Tall Women's Racerback Tank (, $16.94). MIDDLE: NYX Hot Orange Eye Shadow (, $5.99), Embroidered Halter Sun Dress (, $95) and J. Renee Spruce Sandal (, $79.95). RIGHT: Tall Mandarin Collar Blazer (, $16.99 - $39.99), Latico Ashley Cross-Body Bag (, $115) and Watercolor Navajo Scarf (, $6.80).TALL FLORAL RUFFLE TANK at $45. Sizes XS-XL. Shown in orange print. Also comes in yellow print.TALL WOMEN'S KNOTTED RACER BACK TANKS at $16.94. Sizes M-XXL. Shown in white orange stripe. Also comes in black stripe, gray blue stripe, white & blue stripe, wide pink stripe, purple print and yellow print. NYX HOT ORANGE SINGLE EYE SHADOW at $5.99 (buy 2 get 1 free). Comes in 72 colors.     EMBROIDERED HALTER SUN DRESS at $95. Sizes 6-18. Shown in pink/orange. Also comes in black/stone. J.RENEE SPRUCE SANDAL at $79.95. Sizes 5-13. Shown in Orange. Also comes in black, white, pewter and yellow.TALL MANDARIN COLLAR BLAZER at $16.99-$39.99. Sizes 4T-18T. Shown in tigerlily. Also comes in 19 additional colors. LATICO ASHLEY CROSS-BODY BAG at $115. Shown in flame. Also comes in black, brown, gold, metallic brown, metallic copper and mocha.WATERCOLOR NAVAJO SCARF at $6.80. 

Tall Life: Chantelle Anderson

When you hear the name Chantelle Anderson “WNBA player” may be the first thing that pops into your mind.  Yes. That is definitely part of her ‘makeup’ but Chantelle is a remarkable woman of faith that has accomplished a lot and is working everyday to conquer goals and dreams that many don’t even conceptualize, let alone enact. 

Believe it or not, Chantelle and I played against each other in high school (no, I will not tell you how long ago that was:) and over the years it has been incredible to see everything that she has done and it’s even more incredible to see what is to come.

Recently I interviewed Coach Anderson (yes I said coach, read on to see why) and here is what she had to say about her tall life and where it is going…

Alicia Jay: How tall are you?

Chantelle Anderson: 6'6"

AJ: Do you like being tall? What is it about being tall that you like?

CA: Yes I love being tall! It's given me so many opportunities basketball wise, more than I can count. As I've gotten older, I also like that I stand out whenever I go places. I always say that when you're tall, you never have to worry about making an entrance. You just have to make sure you look ok when you walk in. Haha. And it's so true. In a lot of situations it's an advantage.

AJ: I definitely agree but have you had any bad experiences related to your height?

CA: Yes, for sure. I was teased a lot growing up. Kids can be really cruel. And of course we all go through a phase when all we want to do is fit in and I never could because of my height. I'd definitely say the good experiences outweigh the bad though.

AJ: I know that’s right!  Speaking of good, what is your best ‘tall’ story?

CA: Hmmm, I'd say there are way too many to choose from. People are often amused by seeing a 6'6" woman, and especially when I wear heels and am even taller. They're always saying funny things. From telling me I'm tall, like I haven't noticed or heard that before, to saying they'll dunk on me, to propositions like it'd be an accomplishment to "conquer" me. Haha...yes people can be very entertaining. I get at least a couple laughs everyday as a result of their reactions to my height.

AJ: I can definitely relate. We could trade stories all day long lol…so, we have covered the fact that you are tall, now describe yourself in one sentence.

CA: I'd say I'm an absent minded deep thinker, chronically too hard on myself and too idealistic in dealing with others, and determined to maintain authenticity above all else.

AJ: I must say, that was a great use of one sentence!  So how do you use all of that, what do you do for a living?

CA: I'm the assistant women's basketball coach at Virginia Tech. I played in the WNBA for six years and now I get to help teach young ladies the basketball and life lessons I learned along the way.

AJ: OK Coach Anderson, we see you!  So you mentioned that you played in the WNBA and I know that you played overseas as well, what were the biggest differences between the two?

CA: The biggest difference is just the culture of it all. I loved living overseas and having the opportunity to experience different cultures and ways of doing things. It makes you appreciate diversity while being thankful for the wonderful country we have here. Basketball wise, the style of play is different. And the WNBA is home to the best athletes in the world, from the top to bottom of every roster.

AJ: What was your most memorable WNBA moment?

CA: Stepping back onto the court after coming back from a torn Achilles and having the San Antonio fans give me a standing ovation. It was an amazing moment that I will never forget.

AJ: That definitely is a very memorable moment.  Did you feel pressure to play basketball because you were tall?

Yes, when I first started. I hated it but felt like I had to play. And as I got older, sometimes I wanted to quit but felt I couldn't because everyone expected and depended on me to play. Thankfully my Dad didn't let me quit and basketball has taken me more places and given me more things than I ever dreamed it could. I wouldn't trade any of it.

AJ: So in addition to your accomplishments in basketball what are your goals and dreams?

CA: My overall goal is to use all of my experiences--life, professional, and spiritual--to help young people navigate their own paths more smoothly. Wherever that goal takes me is where I'll be.

AJ: That is awesome.  There are not many people in this world that have a goal like that.  So we know you are amazing, now tell us something about yourself that people would not normally know.

CA: Hmmm, that's always a hard one...Many people are surprised to know I used to be painfully shy, and that even now I need a self-pep-talk sometimes before talking to someone I don't know. I've just had to do it so often I've gotten kinda good at swallowing the nerves and just going for it.

AJ: I have known you for many years and that is something that I definitely didn’t know.  So with all of your accomplishments, what would you say is your biggest achievement?

CA: Basketball wise, my biggest achievement is having Vanderbilt University retire my jersey. It's like a small piece of the desire to leave a mark on the world bigger than just me. Other than basketball, I don't think I've had my biggest achievement yet. I'm still working on what that will be. Finishing my book and getting a publishing deal was pretty big. Not sure now if I'll ever publish it...but it was a great accomplishment personally.

AJ: Please do!  I am sure your book would be amazing.  We want to read it!  So, you are working on your biggest achievement, but if you could be known for doing one thing, what would it be and why?

CA: I want to be known as someone who was always genuine and true to herself, no matter what that meant in the grand scheme of everyone or society in general. And because of that, was able to relate to and help others. If people can't say anything else about me, I'd want them to be able to say that.

AJ: Helping others is definitely something that is a central part of your life and so is Faith…why is it so important?

CA: It's important because God saved me from having everything I wanted without the true satisfaction of anything. There's no peace to this life without God. And without peace, a sense of purpose is empty and a sense of accomplishment is fleeting. That knowledge in invaluable.

AJ: What a powerful statement.  I almost feel like I can’t ask anymore questions. But since this is primarily a fashion site, what is your favorite thing to wear?

CA: I love a great pair of jeans and my absolute favorite jeans are Height Goddess.  The fit is amazing and they have 40” inseams which is unheard of.  I think every tall woman should have a pair (or pairs) of Height Goddess jeans. 

AJ: I agree!  Thank you so much for spending time with TallSWAG.  You are an amazing woman.  Before we go, is there anything else you would like us to know?

CA: I think you covered a lot. Thanks so much Alicia for being a great representative for tall and beautiful women. Who would've thought we would be where we are so long after playing against each other in high school. Haha. You're awesome. Oh, and people can follow me on Twitter! @MissChantelle

*Side note: I swear I didn’t pay her to say that last line. Thanks Chantelle!  I appreciate it and definitely think the same of you:)

Want more Chantelle Anderson? Twitter: you already know - Website:– Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to support the Hokies:

Wanna checkout those Height Goddess jeans? 


All I want to know is, when did I become a breeder?  I have no kids and although I want some in the future, at the current moment they are not in the plan.  However, men keep asking me to have “babies” with them because they want my tall genes.  I know you are laughing, but I’m serious.

This is the usual approach (if you want to call it that): “hey girl, we need to make some babies together so my son can be Jordan.” No hi, my name is, can I get your number, nothing.  Just straight to the baby making.

I usually give them a yea-HEEECK NO! and walk away but this last time (yesterday to be exact) I stopped and said “you don’t even know who I am why would you want to have babies with me?” and this ignorant dude goes, “because I need a retirement plan and your kids are going to make that money playing some kind of ball.”   

The statement was SO WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS that I could not even dignify it with a response.  Think of the odds.  What are the chances that 1) I will have a tall BOY (and why couldn't a tall girl be a star?) 2) That he will want to play sports (people have free will) and 3) That he would be good at it because my genes are cool but anyone who would ask a question like that HAS to have moronic genes and what if they dominated? All bad.

But look.  While this is an annoyance, it’s not something I should waste my time with anyways because this would NEVER, neva, neva, eva happen.  I am going to have beautiful babies with my intelligent husband (whoever he may be).  And they will have the choice to do WHATEVER they want in life and be super happy.

Morons like this one and every other man who has wanted a tall woman to ‘breed’ with them, need not apply!

I AM NOT A HORSE! Just because I am tall does NOT mean that I share my genes with others. And while we are on the subject, calling a woman a stallion is NOT a compliment. Take in the information and adjust. Thank you. (photo courtesy of

In Tune

Picture this.  I am walking and I drop my phone.  No damage to the blackberry. Whew! But as I bend down to get it I feel my skinnys rip from the bottom to the top.  Total cheek showcase.  The only thing that saved me from the worst wardrobe malfunction this side of the Mississippi was the tunic I was wearing.  It covered me until I could cover my boo-tay. 

Now. I am not going to put the skinnies brand on blast because I wore these jeans WAY over their due date however I am going to show you the pic because it's just too funny not to: RIPPED SKINNIES.

Check out these tall tunics.  Want a tall shirt that you don't see here? TallSWAG Shirts and Tops page to the rescue!

TALL TUNICS. From left to right (top to bottom): LEL Blouson Tunic (, $48, sizes S-XXL), Testament Cymbidium Tunic in Grey (, $79, sizes S-M), Covet One Sleeve (, $64.50, sizes S-XL), Cowl Neck Elastic Waist Tunic Dress (, $65, sizes XS-XL), Tall Tye Dyed Peasant Tunic (, $21.99, sizes M-6X) and Talls Tropical Tunic (, $68.95, sizes 2-4). Direct links:

LEL BLOUSON TUNIC at $48. Sizes S-XXL. 33.5 inches from shoulder.TESTAMENT CYMBIDIUM TUNIC IN GRAY. $79. Size S-M left.COVET ONE SLEEVE at (7th down on the page). $64.50. Sizes S-XL. Shown in white. Also comes in black.COWL NECK ELASTIC WAIST TUNIC DRESS at $65. Hurry going fast! TALL TYE DYED PEASANT TUNIC at $21.99. Sizes M-6X. 32" long. Shown in deep jade. Also comes in rose pink, royal blue and pumpkin. TALLS TROPIC TUNIC at $68.95. 37" long. Sizes 2-4.