Closet Diving: New Fits on a Dime

We are in the in-between stage where it’s not hot enough for summer clothes but fall clothes are out of the question.  It makes me want to go and buy a whole new wardrobe but alas, my bank account does not agree with me.  I tried talking to it but it rolled its eyes at me and walked away.  Damn you bank account!

So what’s a girl to do? Well, walking around naked is just not an option (believe me, I thought about it), so I brainstormed some ways to look fresh without your money going bad.

1) Look harder.  The best ‘new’ outfits are in your closet.  Stop telling yourself you don’t have any clothes when your closet is so full that you can’t shut the door.  Re-organize, identify and create.  There is a new outfit waiting for you in your own backyard. Find it. Check out: Your closet.

2) Shop vintage. Vintage clothing is a great way to update your look on a dime.  Amazing one of a kind pieces that make you stand out without making your money stand down.  Check out: Urban Vintage and Nelda's Vintage Clothing.

3) Accessorize like a mad woman.  Accessories can change an entire outfit from blah to boom pow with little investment. Check out: Forever21, Stella & Dot and Candid Art.

4) Sell and Buy.  There are plenty of used clothing shops that will purchase your clothes from you.  You can either buy new clothing or get a credit from the shop and buy gems that other people sold.  Check out: and Crossroads Trading Co.

5) Flash sales. These are exclusive, online sales that a lot of stores are offering to people who sign-up for newsletters or online offers.  The sales usually last a couple of hours but if you can catch them, the savings can be GREAT.  Check out: Banana Republic and Nine West.

6) Sign-Up.  There are a plethora (love that word) of sites that find designer sales and bring them to you all at once.  Personal sales shoppers.  All you have to do is sign-up and savings are on their way.  Check out: Shop It To Me and ideeli.

7) Borrow.  Look.  If you have a roommate, sister, friend etc. that is the same size as you, put your clothes together and watch your outfits multiply. Just make sure you wash them thangs before you return them.  Dirty returns are not OK. Check out: a friendly closet.

Well, there you have it.  Now go, be fashionable and money conscious.  They both make you look sexy and smart.

You have an idea that I didn’t think of?  Please share.  Good day fashionistas:)

Get in those closets and find a new outfit! Trust me. It's there. You can do it! (Image courtesy of

Cut It Out

There is nothing more I hate then foot sweat (well maybe a couple of things but you get my point). GROSS.  We have all been there.  You have a cute pair of pumps on with no ventilation and before you know it you are sliding around like a baseball player into home base. Again, GROSS. 

BUT this season's trends bring a solution to the problem...dun dun na na...CUTOUTS! Cutouts are hot right now and come with built in air conditioning (perfect for spring and summer heat).  Designers can't keep the trend on the shelves! 

Now, it's not something I would go crazy about.  You don't want your entire shoe collection 'cut out' however a couple of statement pairs are a must.

Cut it out now!  Check out these options or visit the TallSWAG shoe page to select your own.

CUTOUTS. Featured (top to bottom, left to right): Nine West Tali Sandal (, $89.95. sizes 4-12), Stuart Weitzman OutnOut (, $385, sizes 4.5-12), Apepazza Basilan Suede Rhinestone Ankle Sandal (, $129, Sizes 6-12), Mel Pump White (, $199.95, sizes 6-13), Elona (, $71.40, sizes 5-12), Corso Como Dalt Heel (, $179, sizes 10-12), Mega by Franco Sarto (, $109, Sizes 10-13), Jessica Bennett Women's Renzo Ankle Wrap Sandal (, $154.95, Sizes 5-13) and Corso Como Fuller (, $99, Sizes 11-14). Want to find your own cutout? Click the pic to visit the TallSWAG shoe page.

Quick Links:

NINE WEST TALI SANDAL at $89.95. Sizes 4-12. Shown in red. Also comes in medium brown and black.STUART WEITZMAN OUTNOUT at $385. Sizes 4.5-12.

APEPAZZA BASILAN SUEDE RHINESTONE ANKLE SANDAL at $129. Sizes 6-12. Shown in red. Also comes in light pink and black.MEL PUMP WHITE at $199.95. Sizes 6-13. Shown in white. Also comes in silver, red and black.NINE WEST ELONA at $71.40. Sizes 5-12. Shown in deserto nu. Also comes in black nubuck.CORSO COSMO DALT HEEL at $179. Sizes 10-12. Shown in nude. Also comes in black.MEGA BY FRANCO SARTO at $109. Sizes 10-13. Shown in black. Also comes in tan.JESSICA BENNETT WOMEN'S RENZO ANKLE WRAP SANDAL at $154.95. Sizes 5-13. Shown in brown. Also comes in taupe and black.CORSO COMO FULLER at $99. Sizes 11-14

Tall Life: Holley Monelle

TallSWAG is a 6’6” view of fashion, beauty, love and life.  My view is great (patting myself on the back) but there are so many amazing stories of life that I decided to start interviewing tall women and sharing their views with you (sharing is caring:).  I couldn’t think of a better person to kick-off these weekly interviews, then with Holley Monelle.

Holley Monelle is in a constant act to make a difference.  She is truly a person who lives her life to serve and be the change they want to see in this world (Gandhi).  She is an educator, manager, host, radio personality, in my opinion comedian and an appropriately titled “change agent.”

I got a chance to sit down with Miss Monelle in NYC and am glad that I did.  Read this interview and you will be glad too. 

HOLLEY MONELLE IN PHOTOS. A lil snapshot of the dynamic Holley Monelle. On tour with the Hall Pass Tour, on-air, graduating, being beautiful and gettin her MC on. Click to visit the HALL PASS TOUR website.

Alicia Jay: How tall are you?

Holley Monelle: 5'11

AJ: Do you like being tall?  What is it about being tall that you like?

HM: I love it! Overall, I'm observant and am always very quiet before joining into conversations because I prefer to listen before speaking to gauge where I stand.  I find that in some cases, one might be overlooked for said qualities but being taller often helps me to command attention when I walk into a space without having to say anything.

AJ: Have you had any bad experiences related to your height?

HM: Aside from walking into the occasional low-hanging tree branch, no.

AJ: I can definitely relate! What is your best ‘tall’ story?

HM: Hmmm. I don't know that I have a best story but short(er) men always try to approach me and have offered to 'climb me like a tree.'  As tempting and romantic as that sounds, I've always declined.  I was also once referred to as a 'tall glass of Ovaltine' -- that was definitely one of my funnier 'tall' moments.

AJ: That's a new one.  When you aren't duckin bad pick-up lines, what do you do for a living?

HM: I'm a change agent, radio personality and educator. I align myself with people and projects that are geared toward doing more for those who need it most. More specifically, I work as a Teaching Associate for an East Harlem middle school extended learning program, host a bi-weekly radio podcast, manage and host an education initiative called, The Hall Pass Tour and am also the music manager for the two headlining artists on the tour, j.RENEE and ScienZe. 

AJ: You have a full plate...slim it down for us...describe yourself in one sentence.

HM: I am a work in progress -- learning, growing and striving each day, to be better than I was the day before.

 AJ: What are your goals and dreams?

HM: When I was growing up, for every role model I had guiding me on what NOT to do, there were at least 3 people in my neighborhood doing those 'wrong' things and I was fortunate enough to make the right choices for myself.  My goal is to be everything I needed as a child for a child who needs it now so that he/she doesn't have to struggle to win.  Whether it be through the Hall Pass Tour, my work as an educator or as a radio personality - my goal is to move forward by helping people become more.  My dreams include taking the Hall Pass Tour nationwide, teaching English abroad, traveling the world and launching a motivational speaking campaign targeting schools in low-income communities across the U.S., assuring youth that everything they desire is attainable.

AJ: With everything that you want to accomplish, if you could only be known for doing one thing, what would it be and why?

HM: Shining my light unapologetically.  Because one should never apologize for choosing to be great.

AJ: Tell us something about yourself that people do not normally know.

Any contact with corn starch makes me hyperventilate.

HM: Good to know.  I will keep my corn startch in my bag.  Tell us about The Hall Pass Tour.  What are you looking to accomplish with the tour?

The Hall Pass Tour is an idea that my business partner (j.RENEÉ) and I developed.  It’s a series of seasonal (fall and spring) after-school music concerts designed to support the advancement of education while offering a creative space for communities to support their youth.  Our aim is to increase access to and preparedness for higher education.  We’ve partnered with an incredible education nonprofit organization, College for Every Student (CFES), who's committed to raising the academic aspirations and performance of under served youth so that they can prepare for, gain access to, and succeed in college. In April 2011, we piloted the tour in five of their New York City schools and were pretty successful. 

The most important piece of the tour is student involvement.  We went into each of the five schools, held student auditions and chose opening acts and co-hosts to represent their campuses.  Students were charged with the task of not only performing - but also sharing their college and career aspirations so that they can help create a college going culture in the low-income, under served communities they represent.

Right now, we're gathering data from the pilot tour, reaching out for more sponsors and funding and gearing up to launch the nationwide tour this fall.  We'll be starting in the Northeast region of the U.S and making our way across the country from there.

AJ: That's amazing. Good luck with making the Hall Pass Tour national!  Is there anything else you would like us to know?

HM: Visit the Hall Pass Tour Website (  Please support the movement!

For more information on the Hall Pass Tour, Visit: Follow: @HallPassTour Friend: Watch: 

Want more Holley Monelle? Follow: @HolleyMonelle Friend: Watch: Listen: Cuz We Said So! Podcast 

Happy Mother's Birthday Day

No.  You didn't read wrong.  It's Mother's Birthday Day.  While it's my Mom's day (actually everyday is my Mom's day:) it's also my Dad's birthday. Crazy right!?!  And although my Dad declares his birthday a holiday every year (as it should be) he has stepped aside (rightfully so) and given the day to my Mom.  However, I decided to put fashion aside for the day and celebrate both. 

Mom and Dad - I am honored and blessed to have a Mom and Dad like you.  Where would I be without you?  I shutter at the thought (seriously, I just shuttered hard).  You are amazing in every way.  You gave me my tall, my swag and everything in between.  I could never repay you but will spend my life trying to.

Enjoy your day Mom (as well as the 364 other of your days:).  Dad, happy 25th birthday (you don’t look a day over 21:). I love you with all my heart (and all the way back to the elbows:)

FAMILY LOVE (from left to right): TOP – Mom, my Little Brother and me at the beach (it was super windy, fun and a day I will never forget), us at my college graduation and my Dad and I at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama (it was amazing to experience history with my Dad). MIDDLE – One of my favorite childhood pics with my Dad (a little scratchy but makes me cheese from ear to ear), A great pic with my Mom when I was little (she is so diva with her red nails and flower in her hair), family pic of my Mom, Dad, Little Brother, Niece and I (I can’t stand this pic of me but it was too cute of my family so I took one for the team) and My Dad and my Big Brother (rest in peace Big Brother…we miss u). BOTTOM – My Mom and I at our Baptism (we got baptized last summer…it was long overdue and I was overjoyed to be able to do it with my Mom), another great pic from back in the day with my Mama, my Dad and I at an NFL game (sooooo much fun) and a picture of my Mom, my Dad, my Big Brother and me right after I was born (smiles:).


Everybody has a favorite pair of jeans.  Mine have holes all over them from wear and tear but I just can't let them go.  What if I can't find them again?  What if I find a replacement pair and they just aren’t the same? Major jean anxiety. 

BUT for spring/summer there are so many amazing styles that I have to delve into my pockets and purchase a pair (maybe 3).

Skinnies seem to always be on tap but the current denim trifecta is; flare, cropped and white.

The flare is back and in full effect. They are very slimming and look good in any wash.

Cropped are coming in strong this season.  Perfect for the hot weather and give any outfit an extra dimension.  The most popular are in the light wash however like the flare they look good in any shade.

Last but certainly not least, white.  From trouser to boyfriend (and everything in between), white denim is HOT.  A lot of people think that white makes them look bigger but it’s the cut, not the color, that is the culprit.  As with any jean, try them on.  You will find the right fit for you.

Find your style below.  If you don’t like them, don’t fret, check out the TallSWAG jeans page

Tried on jeans and just can’t seem to find what you are looking for?  Make your own!  There are many places that custom make jeans.  My personal fav is Indi (  They have every length, size, cut and color for a great price.

Happy shopping!


CROPPED JEANS. Featured styles (left to right): Joe's Jeans Kicker Crop Jean in Elizabeth Wash ($158, LEL Tall Skinny Capri ($79 and Calvin Klein Jeans Plus Size Jeans Zip Hemmed Crop ($79.50 Click the pic to visit the TallSWAG jeans page for a full list of Tall denim.Flare

FLARE JEANS. Featured styles from left to right: Citizens of Humanity Angie Super Flare Jeans ($228, The tall Kat Flare Jean ($140 and Avenue Zip Pocket Cropped Flare Jean ($34.90 For more flares click the pic to visit the TallSWAG jeans page.White

WHITE JEANS. Featured styles from left to right: Hudson Signature Bootcut Jeans ($165, Tall Heather Skinny Jean ($148 and Not Your Daughters Jeans Stretch Ankle Jeans Plus ($108 Click the pic for more jean options at the TallSWAG jeans page.

Direct links:


Joe's Jeans Kicker Crop Jean in Elizabeth Wash. $158. Sizes 24-32.

LEL Tall Skinny Capri. $79. Sizes 4-18.

Calvin Klein Jeans Plus Size Jeans Zip Hemmed Crop. $79.50. Sizes 14W-24W.


Citizens of Humanity Angie Super Flare Jeans. $228. Sizes 6-12. 34" inseam.

The Kat Flare. $140. Sizes 6-14. 38" inseam.

Avenue Zip Pocket Cropped Flare Jean. $34.90. Sizes 14-26. 25" inseam.


Hudson Signature Bootcut Jeans in white. $165. Hurry! Sizes limited.

Tall Heather Skinny Jean. $148. Sizes 27-33. 35"-39" inseam.

Not Your Daughters Jeans Stretch Ankel Jeans Plus. $108. Sizes 14W-25W. 27" inseam.

Cross Colors

I reached into my handbag yesterday and something was terribly wrong.  I didn’t really know how bad it was until I pulled my hand out and there was ink all over it.  You guessed it.  A pen had exploded in my brown cross-body bag and ruined it :(

Of course there are WAY worse things happening in the world but for a split second my fashion world had ended.  Straight handbag blues. BUT my frown quickly turned upside-down where I realized that this meant I could search for a new one…and the race was on!

I looked up the one I had, no luck, but then I found some that brightened my day in 2 ways; 1) they were ca-uute and 2) the colors were so bright that they literally brightened my day (#supercorny:).

Cross your body in color.  Check the links below.

CROSS BODY BAGS IN COLOR. Featured styles from left to right: Marc by Marc Jacobs ‘Preppy Nylon Sasha’ Crossbody Bag (top left, $178,, Michael Kors Lily Shoulder Satchel (middle left, $348,, Hobo International Aster Small Cross-Body (bottom left, $138,, ROXY Shangri-La Sling Bag (middle top, $42,, Prada Striped Canvas Flap Bag (middle bottom, $795, and Leatherette Embossed Reptile Skin Handbag (right, $20.80,

Direct Links:

MARC BY MARC JACOBS ‘PREPPY NYLON SASHA’ CROSSBODY BAG at $178. Shown in vibrant red. Also comes in black.

MICHAEL KORS LILY SHOULDER SATCHEL at $348. Shown in Sun. Also comes in vanilla and black.

HOBO INTERNATIONAL ASTER SMALL CROSS-BODY BAG at $128 - $138. Shown in spring green. Also comes in black, ivory, sea flower and apricot.


 PRADA STRIPED CANVAS FLAP BAG at $795. Shown in fuchsia. Also comes in green.