Ibena Laser Cut Heels (shown in size 12) - Eleanor Anukam Footwear/Tall Long Sleeve Jersey Body - TTYAXLTS/Tall Shift Dress - ASOS/Sunnies - Collage Clothing Lounge/Cross Body - Thrifted
Photo Credit: Meg Russell Photography
Perfection is something that can’t be attained. It’s impossible to be perfect however our society is constantly trying to push the perfect agenda on us. You must be a certain size, a certain height, have your hair a certain way, make-up on point etc. As a blogger, I find myself unconsciously doing this, especially when it comes to shooting looks. Often, I will prepare for a shoot longer than it takes to shoot the looks themselves. Furthermore, any blogger who says that they don’t do this, isn’t completely telling the truth. Shooting looks for a blog is a production, plain and simple.
With that said, I go back and forth with continuing to shoot these looks because I don’t want to set a standard that one cannot attain. I definitely wear all of the clothes that I shoot on my blog but do I continually look this polished on a daily basis…
heck no.
That would be impossible. I am incredibly busy (especially during the season) and prepping every day, in the way that I do for shoots is unrealistic. I am a complicated, dynamic ball of beautiful imperfection and that is what we need to share with each other.
Do I wear make-up and add hair to my look? Ya darn skippy. These are things that I enjoy and will continue to do but they don’t define me and I have permission to change them as I please.
The truth is, my hair has flyaways, my nails break and are not always done, I have varicose veins on my feet, my legs are not always tanned and my weight fluctuates (among one hundred other sporadic things). We are all REAL women that are amazing, one-of-a-kind works of brilliance.
With that said, I am going to shoot looks…but I will no longer obsess about perfecting them. I am in a season on growth right now and this is one of the ways I am developing. I am made specifically in every way, as are you. I will no longer mold any part of me into being what society has conditioned me to aspire to be. I am ready to share all of me with you and I apologize for the delay.
Let’s take the pressure off and happily stand tall in our gorgeous, vibrant, imperfect selves shall we?