Necklace Knit Sweater - Long Tall Sally/Skater Skirt - Calvin Klein (thrifted via Savers)/Opaque Tights - George via Walmart (size 4)/Pumps - Barefoot Tess/Mini Dome Satchel Bag - The Limited
When most people hear sweater, the first word that comes to mind is something along the lines of comfy. Now, while that is an accurate descriptor, chic is also one that could just as easily be used especially when referring to the Necklace Knit Sweater from Long Tall Sally.
This sweater is definitely one of my favorite pieces from the LTS Knitwear Collection because it is timeless and effortless. There is no need for any other accessories so it's literally style on the go. And as you can see it's plenty long in the body and the arms.
I love the slim cut of the sweater and wanted to highlight it even further by tucking it in to a skater skirt. This one was a steal as I found it at Savers Thrift Store. You can't beat an animal print Calvin Klein skirt for under $10.
The tights are LONG ENOUGH and don't have a saggy you-know-what. They are the George Brand from Walmart. I get them in a size 4 and they fit great. I just walk right into the store and pick them up. In fact, I have many colors of George tights that I rock in the winter on the regular.
Chic sweaters will be everywhere very soon. Now that you got a glimpse of how I will be wearing them, inquiring tall minds want to know how you plan to rock them. And go...
FYI - I am fully aware that the skirt and my hair are being blown around in these pics. I live in the Bay Area. It happens.