I absolutely LOVE when I get pictures of you wearing your T SWAG. It makes my life:) I get all giddy, run around showing everyone the picture and then follow it up with more giddiness.
This morning was no different. I jumped on twitter and what do I see on my TL, Mrs. Hoops Meets Heels herself werkin the T SWAG Stop Staring at Me shirt.
If you don't know Shyra Ely-Gash...please acquaint yourself with her amazing blog. Hoops Meets Heels is a blast of fashion fabulousness (and I am not just saying this because she gave me an amazing, very flattering write-up, although I can't say that it didn't make a tall girl feel great!:).
She is absolutely, unequivocally, werking the hell out of her tank (as you know all of us glamazons do. Side note: that word is permanently integrated into my vocab).
Check out Shyra's look and make sure, you put her blog in your daily reads and please send in your werk it pics in your T SWAG to info@TallSWAG.com because I will be posting a T SWAG look book soon:)
Tall is Beautiful! Whisper it, say it, scream it. I don't care how you do it just as long as you are letting someone know.
I LOVE THIS ENTIRE LOOK. Click NOW for a blast of fashion fabulousness. Follow Hoops Meets Heels @StylesbyMsEly.