I know this has happened to all of us at least once. We order a pair of tall dress pants, get them in the mail and find that our version of tall isn’t the same as the company we ordered it from. The crotch is hanging to our knees and both ankles are freezing because the pant isn’t even close to covering them. The “tall” pants were an epic FAIL.
This disappointment will NOT happen when ordering the Charlotte Slim Fit Dress Pant from HeightGoddess.com. I am not exaggerating when I say that they are the best dress pant I have ever owned. Perfect length, perfect fit, perfect pant. I want them in every color. These dress pants fit the way they are supposed to (you can’t see it but I am doing a happy dance right now:)
Check out the TallSWAG vidview to see exactly what I’m talking about and visit HeightGoddess.com to order your own pair (because you can’t borrow mine;-)
Click to visit HeightGoddess.com NOW!