I am obsessed with boots right now so naturally I am obsessed about BarefootTess.com. They have hundreds of AMAZING boots in sizes 11 to 15. I mean, I want to win the lottery just so I can buy every boot that they have in a size 12 (hint hint to anyone who wants to send me a gift lol). Actually, if Barefoot Tess needs a spokesperson, I will be more then happy to be paid in footwear:). But seriously, if you want boots, BarefootTess.com is the place to be. Click the pic to see for yourself!
AMAZING BOOTS at BarefootTess.com. Sizes 11 to 15. Prices vary. Featured boots from left to right: Dolce Vita 'Bronson' boot ($179), Poetic Licence 'Toughen Up' Boot ($229), Manitobah Buffalo Dance Boot ($199), Bernardo 'Peace' Boot ($199), Miz Mooz 'Carlito' boot ($159) and TESS by Barefoot Tess 'Japanese' boot ($179).